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I created these pages to keep family and friends updated on my brewing activities. If you've found this site while surfing online please feel free to look around.

Woo Hoo!

April 16th, 2005 saw the final judging of the 11th annual World Cup of Beer being held at the EJ Phair Alehouse in Concord, California. I entered five beers in the competition this year and two did extremely well. My 2005 Belgian Pale Ale took 1st Place in the Belgian and French Ale category and my English Mild was also awarded a 1st Place in the English Brown Ale category. Just when I thought I was finished going up to collect awards they announced that my English Mild had also beat out all the other beers in the competition to win Best of Show! An awesome award in its own right but made even more special by the fact that most Best of Show beers are usually "big" beers. Complex beers like Imperial Stouts, Doppel Bocks, or the Bourbon Oak Aged British Barleywine, which won Best of Show at the 2003 California State Fair. Smaller, lighter beers can often be very challenging to brew because their limited ingredients and delicate flavors make flaws easy to detect yet are often overlooked by judges. Several of the judges approached me after the competition to compliment me on my fine beer and to tell me how much they enjoyed drinking it.

What's Brewing?

updated 29 December 08


  • American Barleywine
  • Oktoberfest


  • NA


  • 2007 Apple Cider (Kegged)
  • 2007 Root Beer (Kegged)

Brewing Info

A small collection of useful bits of brewing information I've collected over the years can be seen here. As well some useful links.


In addition to brewing I enjoy making labels for my beverages. Some of these I've entered into competitions. Others were made just for fun.  Take a look at my beverage labels.


I started entering competitions in 2003. You can view a list of awards I've won at competitions here.

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